What About No Credit Check Business Loans?

No Credit Check Business Loans

A business loan that does not need a credit check may be an option if your credit is less than stellar. Be aware of items that promise you a small business loan without verifying your credit history or doing a credit check since they tend to come with exorbitant fees or interest rates.

These services might be helpful if you need a better credit history to secure conventional company funding.

Business loans with no credit check

Some internet alternative lenders may need to examine your credit regarding business loans. Loans obtained online often have more lax restrictions and provide faster funding than those offered by banks. Still, they may also have higher interest rates and costs.

Here are some potential solutions from well-known financial institutions.

PayPal Working Capital

The company does not run a credit check in determining your eligibility for a PayPal Working Capital loan. Instead, it looks at your payment history via the service. 90 days of service with PayPal Premier or Business is required.

The loan has adjustable installments and quick financing. Loan amounts, payback percentages, and a company’s PayPal account history all go toward the one-time application cost. You set aside cash flow from sales to settle the debt.

American Express Business Loans

An American Express Business Loan might be between $3.5k and $75k. A wide variety of payment plans are available, from 6 months to 36 months. What’s the catch? Current cardholders of the AmEx Business Credit Card are the only individuals eligible for membership. American Express does a “soft” credit check throughout the application process without impacting your FICO score.


Bluevine does not conduct a rigorous credit check on loan applicants who have their businesses set up as corporations or limited liability companies. A hard credit pull for general partnerships or sole proprietorship firms will be performed once a loan offer has been accepted. Bluevine provides corporate credit lines.

No-credit-check business loans: pros and cons

There are several advantages to getting a business loan without a credit check. Still, there are also some disadvantages to consider.


      • Obtainable loans while having a low credit score.
      • When you pay on time, it might help your company get a better credit rating.
      • If you repay this loan on time, you’ll build credit and improve your borrowing options in the future.


      • You may pay a higher interest rate for a loan with no credit check.
      • Could incur more costs.
      • An excessive amount of interest paid may cancel out any savings from getting the loan in the first place.

Can I get a loan for a new company with no credit check and guaranteed approval?

If your credit could be better, getting a loan to launch your firm will be significantly more challenging. When looking for a loan for a new company, be wary of “guaranteed” loans that specific lenders may offer. A reputable lender will only provide you with a loan for your new company after looking at your credit report.

The borrower’s credit history is weighed against the lender’s risk assessment before approval. It may be simpler to apply for company finance on favorable terms and interest rates if your personal credit score is strong (FICO 690 or above). Getting a negative credit startup business loan might be challenging if your company still needs a proven track record.

Many financial institutions do “soft” credit checks on those who apply. Avoiding a credit check is different from this. Lenders may see whether you’re likely to qualify using a soft draw, which doesn’t affect your credit score. Therefore, you will only have to reapply elsewhere with a lesser score if your application is denied.

The “five C’s of credit” refer to the borrower’s ability, capital, character, collateral, and conditions when applying for a business loan. Your credit score is part of your “character,” and a lender who doesn’t care about it will likely prioritize things like your income.

What are other options for business funding?

Suppose you have a low credit score and trouble getting a company loan or startup finance. In that case, you may want to look into the following alternatives:

      • The practice of borrowing funds from close acquaintances.
      • Initiating a Crowdfunding Campaign for a Company.
      • Making a grant application for a startup.
      • Obtaining funding by selling stock in your company.

Featured Image: Pexels © Mikhail Nilov