Top 10 Easy and Powerful YouTube Promotion Strategies

YouTube Promotion Strategies

There will be around 51 million YouTube channels competing for viewers’ attention in 2022, so you’ll have to put in some time and effort if you want your videos to attract a sizable audience. Unless you differentiate your content, your videos will likely be lost in the sea of content and get few (if any) views.

Thankfully, dozens of easy but efficient strategies are available to market your YouTube channel. We have included 12 great places to begin your search below. Better still, unlike paid advertising or paying influencers for their services, most of these marketing strategies don’t cost anything, making them available to businesses of all sizes.

If you don’t promote your channel, what will happen?

A common pitfall for rookie YouTubers is relying too much on YouTube’s internal algorithm for promotion. As the YouTube algorithm rewards popular videos with more views and likes, this is far from reality.

Your videos will be visible once you actively promote your channel. If no one ever watches your films, you’ll never be able to make any money from them, and no one will know who you are.

How Much Time Do You Need to Invest in Marketing Your Channel?

It’s a common concern to ponder how much effort should be put into advertising a YouTube channel. This is a prevalent concern among those starting out in content creation.

Spend more time advertising your films than making them if you want to see any results. Yet, it must be convenient for your timetable. If you only have 10 hours available each week to work on your channel, you might, for instance, spend 3 hours making videos and 7 hours advertising them.

1. Join hands with other channels

The most popular YouTubers have teamed together to support one another’s rise to fame. Some people even create group channels just to advertise their profiles.

To get started, follow and interact with people in your specific field. After gaining some traction on YouTube, you may approach other creators to see if they want to work together on a video. Share links to one other’s channels, work together to make videos, or give each other shout-outs in your content.

2. Be active on TikTok

Since most of its users are members of Generation Z, TikTok is effective if your intended audience is comprised of teenagers (now between the ages of 10 and 25). However, TikTok has also been lately popular among Millennials (currently between 26 and 41). (now between 26 and 41).

Post videos, give shout-outs, and beg for views to draw attention to your YouTube channel on this social network. Building a following is never simple, but with TikTok, it’s a breeze.

3. Make a Facebook page

With over 3 billion monthly active users, Facebook continues to dominate the social media landscape. You might lose out on a massive audience if you still need to set up a Facebook profile for your YouTube channel.

Facebook facilitates accessible one-on-one communication with followers on other social media platforms. As a result, your audience will become more devoted to you. You may improve your company’s discoverability by adding details to your Facebook profile.

4. Pay Attention to Your Video’s Details

Find relevant search terms and work them into the title and description of your movie. Keep your title succinct. It ought to correctly represent what your video is about in as few words as feasible. Use an important keyword and a few secondary keywords in the description.

The data associated with your video is also crucial. Tag your video with your primary and a few other keywords or phrases. Be wary of employing popular hashtags outside your post’s subject matter. If this happens, your videos can be deleted, and your account might get banned.

5. Make your own thumbnail

Each of your YouTube films may have its unique thumbnail that you design. You may let the social network choose a thumbnail for your post automatically.

Make an effort to give each video you publish a unique, attention-grabbing thumbnail. An image’s thumbnail is sometimes its only chance to attract attention from a prospective reader. Your thumbnail’s chances of becoming viral increase if it’s interesting to look at.

6. Get Viewers Involved Across Mediums

Via interaction with the audience, a level of loyalty may be established that would be difficult to achieve through more traditional advertising channels. Imagine how you’d feel if your favorite YouTuber took the time out of their day to like or react to a remark you left for them.

Make an effort to actively participate every day by establishing daily objectives. These objectives may be modest and can each be finished in 30 minutes or less. You may set a daily goal of like 100 comments and respond to 10 across all platforms. This will pile up, and people will start to see you as someone who really values their support.

7. Activate

When it comes to live-streaming sites, YouTube is the most popular option. Your existing subscribers will be alerted when you begin streaming, and the system appears to favor live videos over non-live ones. Encourage viewers to share your live material by compelling them to do so via engaging and informative programming.

Going live also helps in establishing credibility. Live videos are not only brutal to write but also impossible to edit. People are more inclined to believe what you say in live videos since they know you really are the one speaking.

8. Create a Q&A Video

There is a desire among viewers for someone to provide answers to their inquiries, and those who do so are appreciated. You should start promoting your forthcoming Q&A video a few days or weeks before it airs. Invite viewers to submit questions via the comments, email, or any other means specified.

Get on camera and provide your answers to these questions. Include the questioner’s name (or screen name) in your response. Your taking the time to respond to your followers’ queries is an excellent sign of their appreciation.

9. Run Contests

The universal appeal of freebies is undeniable. Promoting your channel and giving your viewers something of value is a win-win when you host competitions. It’s a great way to reinforce loyalty, which is always a plus.

It’s essential to give contestants something they desire to win their votes. Offering autographed merchandise or a personal conversation with a popular YouTuber may be a great way to connect with fans. Gift cards or other monetary prizes can be a better choice for smaller YouTubers.

10. Create a Discord channel

Discord is a service that was developed for gamers. However, a large portion of its user base relies on it to communicate among individuals with interests.

You may start a Discord channel and invite others to join. Your audience’s conversations may be monitored, and your admirers can chat with one another. When possible, use text or voice chat to interact with your audience.

Featured Image: Pexels © Szabó Viktor